Mäd Love: Balance of Rest

Welcome back!
I missed last week’s blog due to an impromptu and much needed R&R opportunity.
Can you believe that my husband and I hadn’t gone on an official vacation in over twenty five years? We’ve carved out some relax-time around family trips, like extending a few days while our kids competed in track meets or staying a little longer on a press tour… but an actual dedicated chill vacation hasn’t happened since before our kids were born. We had a wonderful invitation from ‘The Zaring Group’ to enjoy a week in beautiful Puerto Vallarta at the gorgeous brand-new ‘Grand Fiesta Americana’ resort, forcing us to block some time off!
This inspired me to have a discussion on the BALANCE OF REST and how essential this is to our over-all health.
Now most of us don’t have the means to be able to travel to a tropical location and probably don’t have the luxury of having any extra time-off. So what are you able to do to “un-plug” in your everyday life? Are you able to seize an opportunity to set down the phone and computer and connect with family and friends? Maybe a neighbor has invited you to their backyard BBQ. Leave the phone behind and connect with new people. Have you made a tradition of family “movie night” or maybe “game night” to check-in with your kids and their busy lives? Has someone invited you to a party in the park? Take advantage and unwind. Put your phone on silent. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to unwind by hovering and micro-managing how your kids are playing in the jungle gym. They can handle themselves. Don’t worry. Sit back nearby, and chat with other parents. And okay, you may have to participate in a little gossip ;-)
Make sure to do some inner reflection as well. It doesn’t matter where you live, you can always take a walk to a nearby park. Find a hiking trail. Or if you're lucky enough to live by water, just plop down on a blanket and let your mind wander with the calming lull of waves. I remember that I used to do something like this back when I was in grade school. I was a high-energy kid. Running, biking and playing throughout the neighborhood. Going to dance lessons. Making up skits with friends. But I always found the time to climb up into my favorite tree and just simply watch the sun set. Or my mom would find me lying out back on our picnic table staring at the night sky. Dreaming of what those distant stars looked like close-up.
I feel it’s important to have that quiet time. It grounds me. Allowing an essential BALANCE. So when I need to, I can work extra hard.
Thank you for continuing this discussion with me. I really enjoy your feedback!
It’s very inspiring to look at new and different ways to FIND THE BALANCE.
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XOXO - Mäds